This year promises to be as, if not more, significant for our learning and personal growth. The LHRIC has secured both @YongZhaoUO / Dr. Yong Zhao, and @karlfisch / Karl Fisch for this year's expo. Which is another reason why I am so excited, we have real faces and voices behind the well-known Ed Tech names we see so often on Twitter and blogs. And should I even bother to mention the PowerPoint that will go down in infamy? "Did You Know?" I am sure Mr. Karl Fisch had no idea that the small presentation for faculty would be shown globally to motivate teachers and students.
I can not hear "Last of the Mohicans" with out remembering how moved I was by that presentation. So here it is, the original, because of even out of all the flashy 2 point oh (v 2.0, 3.0) the original is what was a game changer for me.
Please use our collaborative Google Doc to keep notes, NY TECH ED has inserted a table of contents to easily navigate to your session and share notes. See you at the conference!
So here it is, the presentation that changed how we all present: